Opening an account:
Valsto does not charge a fee to open a Valsto account.
Sending money - Personal payments:
There are no fees within the U.S. to send money to individuals when you
use your Valsto balance or bank account.
Receiving money - Personal payments:
It's free to receive money from individuals in the U.S.
when they send the money from the Valsto website using their
Valsto balance or their bank account.
Goods and services - Purchase payments:
There's no fee to use Valsto to purchase goods or services.
Withdrawing money:
You can withdraw money from your Valsto account to your bank
account at no cost.
Certifying bank account:
There is a $2.75 USD fee for certifying each bank account that
you link to your Valsto account.
Certifying credit card:
There is a $3.75 USD fee for certifying each credit card that
you link to your Valsto account.